
Scenes Index

A map of how the scenes begin and end; and   details of each scene in turn.
What are scenes?  ; How they link together  


  First chapter   

  Entire Game 

Legend:  Begins when play begins;  can begin whenever some condition holds;  follows when a previous scene ends;  begins simultaneously;  never begins;  never ends.

The Entire Game scene

Begins when: the game is in progress

Ends when: the game is over

The First chapter scene 

Begins when: play begins

During this scene:


    examining the boy for the first time   

    examining the boy   

    touching the boy   

    listening to the boy   

    kissing the boy   

default outcome is failure


    boy when asked about boy   

    boy when told about medicine   

    boy when told about doctors   

    boy when asked about doctors   

    boy when asked about New Haven   

    boy when asked about reason for his visit   

default outcome is success

Ends when: never

The scene-changing machinery


Scene changing rulebook


    scene change machinery rule   name  unlist
